Sunday 17 October 2010

I am that person what blogs

Never thought I'd be here writing a blog.. not exactly my normal type of activity but I guess it kind of goes with the territory with this travelling malarkey. 
So, in the midst of a spot of Sunday 'Come Dine with Me' salvation, I've decided to take the 
plunge and set up by this site.  My experience so far is that 'blogging' is far from easy; immediately you are tasked to make those oh so vital decisions about your 'digital presence' - what photo will you have, what’ll be your background of choice and what font do you feel is most apt.  It's all a bit too reminiscent of MySpace for my liking (at least on Facebook you are constrained to the standard blue and white affair).  

Anyways, I am now all set up and ready to rock, having opted for the exact same ‘jelly bean’ background that I had/ have(?) on my MySpace page.  Luckily, we don’t go for another 8 weeks ish so plenty of time still to change that background to something less garish or to swap Trebuchet to Arial (all important decisions I’m sure you’ll agree).

So...apart from the design of my new blog, other things on my mind at the moment: Devising the perfect travelling capsule wardrobe; deciding whether 10 days is too long to spend in Buenos Aires is; whether blogging is self-indulgent? 

Answers on a post-card please.